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Till date we have successfully incorporated ecological principles in more than 60 projects.

Eco-perspective in each project varies as per the land location, area & plans of the client. The common thread is ‘Nature conservation’ that forms an integral part of each project, big or small. The land size varies from ½ acre to more than 1000 acres & hence the strategies vary for micro to macro level planning. Also, the plans changes as per the land use i.e. from a private farm house to a planned township to industry, so each project has some unique aspect of conservation activities. Till date oikos has contributed mainly towards the planning aspect of the projects while implemented eco-restoration activities in few.

Along with projects mentioned below, we have conducted more than 100 rapid ecological surveys for private landowners located in and around Maharashtra in different bio-geographical zones, worked on developing plantation plans for various lands and have done Environmental Awareness & Education activities.

We conduct ecological awareness and management training programs for in-house people who are the part of the project especially for the field supervisors and managers.

We aim to have such models of conservation in various bio-geographic zones that can be replicated by others in future. To make it viable, we follow a principle, ‘local people, local technologies & local resources’ in planning & execution of project.

Eco-management Plans
Turn-key Projects - Planning-Designing & Implementation
Eco-landscaping & Plantation Plans
Eco-inputs to Developmental Projects