April - 2013

Dear Nature Lovers,
Greetings from oikos !

Ants are one of the most common and known insects across the world. It comes under the order hymenoptera which also includes bees and wasps. These are also known to be social insects, being staying in a colony in large numbers.

Ketaki & Manasi.

The order Hymenoptera includesAnts, Bees and Wasps.
hymen = membrane, pteros = wing.
Ants and bees are critically important pollinators. Many small wasps are parasitic, others induce galls on plants. Some show very complex social behaviors. The abdomen in the females ends in an ovipositor which may be modified for sawing, piercing or stinging. These insects have narrow junction in between thorax and abdomen.
Wings: Membranous wings or wingless.
Mouth Parts: Chewing mouthparts (Both chewing and sucking in case of bees)
Metamorphosis: Complete. Egg – Larva – Pupa – Adult.
Significance to Humans: This order includes some of our most harmful, as well as some of our most beneficial insects. Few of them like bees are excellent pollinators and are very important for mankind. Few are predaceous; some are parasitic; some cause plant galls; and some feed on plant foliage. Many Hymenoptera have a painful sting and should be avoided if possible.

Fort Ants (Pheidole spp.)
Antsare social insects of the family Formicidae.Ants form colonies that range in size from a few dozen living in small natural cavities to highly organized colonies that may occupy large territories and consist of millions of individuals.
Pheidole species form large colony and built a fort like structure on forest floor for nesting. It is about 1 m deep underground and several meters long with very well constructed chambers and walls. Walls above ground are so constructed that water doesn’t enter the nest.It consist sterile wingless females forming castes of "workers", "soldiers",& some fertile males called "drones" and one or more fertile females called "queens".
Ant societies have division of labour, communication between individuals, and an ability to solve complex problems. Many human cultures make use of ants in cuisine, medication, and rituals. Some species are valued in their role as biological pest control agents.
Reference : Field guide : : “Insects of BNHS reserve” by BNHS, Mumbai, Indian Insects and Arachnids by MeenakshiVenkataraman.

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