March - 2013

Dear Nature Lovers,
Greetings from oikos !

Grasshoppers, being fascinating since childhood, is one of the commonly known insect.
Insects from this group move with great agility, due to their modified legs for long jump.
Some of these are pests while some of them are also kept as pets in China !

Ketaki & Manasi.

The order Orthoptera includes grasshoppers, crickets, locusts, & katydids,
with large back legs meant for jumping.
ortho = Straight, pteros = wing.
Locusts are known for swarming i.e. they fly in a group of millions with high speed and would wipe out standing crops within no time. Crickets are known for the sound they make with the help of special organs on the wings.
Wings: Two pairs of wings with hard forewings protecting membranous hind wings.
Mouth Parts: Chewing mouthparts.
Metamorphosis: Partial. Egg – Nymph – Adult.
Significance to Humans: Orthoptera are pests for agriculture.

Painted Grasshopper (Poekilocerus pictus)
This bright yellow grasshopper with blue spots is usually found in Scrubs forests and countryside. It is usually feeds on the Calotropis (Rui) plant. By feeding on this toxic plant, these insects make themselves unpalatable for predators.
Reference : Field guide : "Insects of BNHS reserve" by BNHS, Mumbai, Indian Insects and Arachnids by Meenakshi Venkataraman.

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oikos for ecological services
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