August - 2014

Dear Nature Lovers,
Greetings from oikos !

Conservation can also start by growing our own food !
Whatever food is sold in cities, necessarily comes from rural areas.
This involves huge transport and many other pollution causing processes.
And it comes with chemicals !
Why not to reduce it by doing our bit ?
Simple way is to have kitchen garden... परसबाग...
If you own a bungalow, many food crops can be grown.
The same can be watered by diverting kitchen waste water !
If you have small space like balcony or a gallery,
You can still grow many vegetables in pots or trays.
If you don’t have even a gallery, grow at least a chili plant in a sunny window !
This way we would not only reduce pressure on existing systems,
but also would be able to consume organic, chemical free, fresh vegetables…
at a very small price..
Though with an additional effort... which would keep you healthy !

Ketaki & Manasi.

August Calendar Click on the image to enlarge

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*  Open calendar image by clicking on thumbnail, save it to computer and set it as desktop background for your
    computer monitor.

We at oikos have been working on ‘Forest restoration’ project in Koyna catchment since 2005. Positive results can now be seen on land where focus is to restore resources like soil, moisture first. Click Here for details

Project work was also covered by ABP maza on occasion of World Environment Day, 5th June.
Click Here to watch the video
Please Note -
This Email is a part of awareness campaign initiated by oikos, Pune. Write to us for your valuable feedback.
oikos have been sending ‘Desktop calendars’ since January’06 with various themes,
which can be downloaded from website.
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Spread a word !! Forward to nature lovers !
oikos for ecological services
Ph. 020-25451875
